Semiotic Review, 2013-- (formerly The Semiotic Review of Books, 1990-2012) is a multidisciplinary open-access online peer-reviewed journal publishing review articles as well as original essays. It endeavours to monitor those domains in the Humanities, the Social and the Natural Sciences which bear upon symbolic and communicative behaviour, cognitive systems and processes, cultural transmission and innovations, and the study of information, meaning and signification in all forms.

The original mission of this refereed journal was to provide its readership with substantial and critical accounts of recent books, debates and events, explaining their disciplinary relevance and importance for the development of neighbouring disciplines. We continue this commitment under our new name.  However, developing the main tendencies of the journal over the last decade, the journal now interprets this mandate very broadly to include not only review articles in the strict sense but also a range of other interventions developing from this mandate, including original essays that explore semiotic themes and connections less directly arising from recent books or debates.  Our new name registers this emergent change in focus.

Semiotic Review publishes two kinds of issues: occasional thematic issues (often proposed and edited by guest editors) and a single non-thematic “open” issue which collects those contributions that are not submitted for thematic issues.   Like the “thematic” issues, the “open” issue is an ongoing issue that accepts new papers and publishes them on an rolling basis so that new material will continue to be added to them indefinitely.